What Have I Done?

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October 2021

Github Live Version


"Catullus, it’s too bad, but don’t be silly/you see it’s gone; well, gone is gone, that’s all" in normal text. "[A deep shuddering inhale] My new thing is infinite resignation./I’m extremely reserved now, and just, I hold everything loosely" in text that's fading as it gets further from the mouse cursor.

After stumbling across Frank O. Copley's modernist translation of the ancient Roman poet Catullus and then Daniel Lavery's contemporary take, I wanted to display them in contrast with each other, and ended up spending hours poring over fonts in order to create a showcase.

The result is a simple site created with Vue 3, using TypeScript and the Composition API. Although I wasn't going for this at the time, the result is something like the ubiquitous Unix patch format, with lines that correspond displayed subsequent to each other so that you can see the changes. Some details I ended up poring over: the font sizes are carefully adjusted with variables in SCSS to keep everything visually at one scale, and the line heights are carefully specified to prevent layout shift when switching fonts.